The Importance of Branding
Do you know just how important your brand is for your business? And we’re not just talking about your logo, your colors, or the font you choose.
We’re talking about the personality, the energy, and the connection your brand is offering to your audience.
Think of it this way: Your brand is the source of a promise to your audience.
For example, if you’re saying that your company makes the longest-lasting light bulbs, you best believe you need to live up to that. If your products claim to be vegan, gluten-free, etc., they better be to not cause potential harm to anyone using them.
So if your brand is essentially a promise to your customers or clients, how do you keep that promise? How do you live up to it?
You put in the work researching and defining who you are, what you’re all about, and your business practices (or you pay someone like us to do it for you 😉).
Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for years, target market research is your best friend. Your business should evolve with your clients and customers. They don’t stay the same, so why should you?
Part of the brand evolution process is in the strategy for the brand. Do you have a coherent and comprehensive plan set in place to help you in times of growth, in times of a pandemic, in times of low sales? Having a solution or a plan for every season of business is key to help your brand not only stay relevant, but be respectful of its audience.
When we work with clients, we like to use brand strategies as a guide to understand the key business objectives. It not only helps us align all content and marketing efforts, but also to go deeper into brand development.
It’s important to note that branding doesn’t just happen or count during the time before the purchase of a product or service; the experience has to last and create consumer loyalty. And you can do that by answering these key questions:
Did the product or service perform as expected?
Was the quality as good as promised or better?
Was the entire customer experience positive?
Will you get positive answers to these three questions? If so, you’re well on your way to creating loyal customers.